D a i l y
A collection of words floating around my mind day to day.
words from
Mama say, “Enjoy the cool air and the lack of sunshine; it is so hot here”.
I have. I have been on my last walk, wrapped in layers and layers of clothing, soaked in the freezing air, and let my eyes wander over the perpetual green hills.
But I am ready now. Ready for the scorching heat, ready for thorn bushes to leave red stripes over my arms, ready for the desert.
Freedom + Wilderness
Today, whilst driving, I saw a common buzzard alight from the street and perch on a lamp post. My being lurched with immediate excitement at this sight.
Contrary to the cute robin or the somewhat plain seagull, birds of prey embody freedom and wilderness and seeing them makes me yearn for this, exactly. He knows, that buzzard sitting on the lamp post, that although we might embody something, it is often perishing in our surroundings.
It has been a year of endless lessons.
One of life’s greatest gifts: We can always try again.
In a world where I could not be more lost, I know one thing to be the truth: I write.
Crossword Puzzels
I started a crossword puzzle today, like my gran used to.
I wonder if those that have gone know how much they are missed.
Shadow + Light
Life is a game between shadow and light.
I do not know if we have any control of how much of either is in our life
Or if the shadow and light we let into the world
enters ours proportionately.
Maybe the only control we have is which one we allow to have more weight in our lives,
Which one we chose to live in.
Or maybe there is a balance between the two;
Shadow gives way to light like the night does to the rising sun.
The reality of life is that there is shadow and light.
I might ponder on their meaning from time to time,
wish for one more but not know its value without the other,
yet always find solace in this constant.
To feel the heat of the southern sun on my skin,
To taste the thirst of the desert in my mouth;
What a longing it is.
I am the storm
There is a storm howling outside today
And I feel the urge to meet it there,
To ask him to be my mentor.
In a climate that urges us to be more zen,
More mindful
More calm,
I choose you.
I choose to run wild,
To be loud, uninhibited,
Unpredictable, angry.
Not all of us are meant to follow the way of the peaceful warrior,
Some of us were meant to live like a storm;
Untameable, restless, always in motion.
I am the storm.
And ain’t nothing wrong with that.